Hippie Shake Records

Condition (cover/record) | Notes (abbreviations) | EUR (currency)

Beatles - 7" Singles

7"BeatlesAll You Need Is LoveSwedenvg+/vg+ps30,00
7"BeatlesAll You Need Is LoveSpainvg+/exps, woc30,00
7"BeatlesCan't Buy Me Love EPSwedenex/vgps30,00
7"BeatlesGet BackJapanvg+/vg+ps, AR-227925,00
7"BeatlesInterview (BEAT 1SC)UKvgapple shaped disc, white vinyl10,00
7"BeatlesInterview (BEAT 1SC)UKvgapple shaped disc, red vinyl10,00
7"BeatlesLove Me DoEUm/mcompany sleeve, new10,00
7"BeatlesRoll Over BeethovenDenmarkvg/vg+ps, toc20,00
7"BeatlesYellow SubmarineEUm/mps, picture disc, new17,00
7"BeatlesYellow SubmarineEUm/mps, picture disc, still sealed25,00

Beatles - 12" Singles

12"BeatlesInterview (BEAT 1S)UKvguncut picture disc12,00

Beatles - LP's


Beatles - CD's

CDBeatles1967-1970  EMI, 2-CD10,00
CDBeatlesAnthology 3  EMI, 2-CD10,00
CDBeatlesLive At The BBC  Apple, 2-CD8,00
CDBeatlesSame (white album)  Apple, 2-CD, 30th anniversary edition12,00


Beatles related - 7" Singles

7"Harrison, GeorgeAll Those Years AgoItalyex/exps, co7,00
7"Harrison, GeorgeDark HorseGermanyex/vg+ps10,00
7"Harrison, GeorgeDing Dong, Ding DongGermanyvg+/vg+ps, woc12,00
7"Harrison, GeorgeMy Sweet Lord (2000)USAmri, green vinyl10,00
7"Harrison, GeorgeWhat Is LifeJapanex/vg+ps, AR-274815,00
7"Harrison, GeorgeYouJapanex/exps, insert17,00
7"Lennon, JohnGive Peace a ChanceHollandvg+/vg+ps, woc, tol, wol14,00
7"Lennon, JohnI'm Stepping OutGermanyex/exps7,00
7"Lennon, JohnInstant KarmaUSAvg+/exps12,00
7"Lennon, JohnInterview '80 (JL 1S)UKvgapple shaped disc, white vinyl10,00
7"Lennon, JohnWomanItalyex/exps, co5,00
7"Lennon, JohnWoman Is The Nigger Of The WorldItalyvg+/exps17,00
7"McCartney, LindaThe Light Comoes From WithinEUm/mps, picture disc7,00
7"McCartney, PaulAnother DayJapanex/vg+ps, ri EPR-1078015,00
7"McCartney, PaulAnother DayGermanyvg+/vg+ps, soc9,00
7"McCartney, PaulAnother DaySwedenex/exps20,00
7"McCartney, PaulBand On The RunGermanyvg+/exps7,00
7"McCartney, PaulComing UpSwedenex/exps7,00
7"McCartney, PaulDance TonightUKex/exps, shaped picture disc14,00
7"McCartney, PaulEver Present PastEUm/mps, ins20,00
7"McCartney, PaulHelen WheelsJapanex/exps, ri '75 EPR-1078715,00
7"McCartney, PaulHelen WheelsSwedenvg+/vg+ps20,00
7"McCartney, PaulJetJapanex/exps, EAR-1052020,00
7"McCartney, PaulJetJapanex/vg+ps, EPR-10788, ri '7515,00
7"McCartney, PaulLong Tall SallyGermanyex/exps, promo20,00
7"McCartney, PaulMy Brave FaceHollandvg+/exps, woc, soc4,00
7"McCartney, PaulMy LoveJapanex/vg+ps, ri EPS-1719612,00
7"McCartney, PaulNo More Lonely NightsHollandex/exps4,00
7"McCartney, PaulNo Other BabyEUm/mps12,00
7"McCartney, PaulOnce Upon a Long AgoGermanyex/vg+ps4,00
7"McCartney, PaulPressHollandex/exps4,00
7"McCartney, PaulSilly Love Songs +2Russiavg+/exps7,00
7"McCartney, PaulSo BadJapanex/vg+ps12,00
7"McCartney, PaulSpies Like UsHollandex/exps4,00
7"McCartney, PaulThe Honorary Consul (John Williams)UKex/exps7,00
7"McCartney, PaulThe World TonightUKm/mps, picture disc12,00
7"McCartney, PaulTry Not To CryUSAexjukebox promo12,00
7"McCartney, PaulYoung BoyUKm/mps, picture disc12,00
7"Savage Young BeatlesIf You Love Me BabyEUvg+blue vinyl7,00
7"Savage Young BeatlesYa YaEUvg+yellow vinyl7,00
7"Starr, RingoIt Don't Come EasySwedenvg+/exps, toc20,00
7"Starr, RingoLiverpool 8EUm/mps, red vinyl20,00
7"Starr, RingoOh My MyGermanyvg+/vg+ 9,00
7"Starr, RingoOnly YouGermanyvg/exps, co, soc10,00
7"Starr, RingoPhotographUKvg+/vg+ps, sol9,00
7"Starr, RingoPhotographGermanyvg+/vg+ps9,00
7"Starr, RingoSnookerooGermanyvg+/exps12,00
7"Starr, RingoWrack My BrainFranceex/exps10,00
7"Tony Sheridan & Beat BrothersSkinny MinnyGermanyvg+/vg+ps14,00
7"WingsGoodnight TonightSwedenex/exps, noc7,00
7"WingsLetting GoJapanvg+/exps, ri EPS-1720312,00
7"WingsListen To What The Man SaidJapanvg+/vg+ps, ins, EPS-1720210,00
7"WingsLive And Let DieSwedenvg/exps, noc17,00
7"WingsMrs. VandebiltGermanyvg+/vg+ps7,00
7"WingsMull Of KintyreYugoslaviavg+/vg+ps10,00
7"WingsVenus And Mars Rock ShowJapanex/vg+ps, EPR-1088115,00
7"WingsWith a Little LuckSwedenvg+/exps, woc7,00
7"WingsWith A Little LuckGermanyvg+/exps7,00

Beatles related - CD-Singles

CDSLennon, JohnImagine + 3  new, cdr 65348,50
CDSMcCartney, PaulYoung BoyHolland promo cdrdj 64628,00

Beatles related - LP's

LPLennon, JohnImagineGermanyvg+/exri, toc12,00
LPMcCartney, PaulChoba B CCCPRussiaex/exri7,00
LPMcCartney, PaulFlowers In The DirtHollandex/exins, yellow inner12,00
LPMcCartney, PaulInterviewUKvg+/extoc, CHAT19,00
LPMcCartney, PaulWingspan - Hits And HistoryEUvg+/mstill sealed, 4-LP120,00
LPPlastic Ono BandLive Peace In Toronto 1969Germanyex/ex 12,00
LPPlastic Ono BandSameUKex/exri17,00
LPStarr, RingoAnd His All-Stars BandGermanyvg+/extoc30,00
LPStarr, RingoRotogravureUSAvg+/exinn, co12,00
LPWingsVenus And MarsJapanex/exinn, ins, obi, EPS-8023630,00

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Updated: 07.02.2025